Now I have painted a small amount of US troops – and also some terrain – what is needed next? Another army of course… I wanted to paint some German troops, but I desided to select Soviet Union… Probably because I have huge soviet army at Flames Of War.

Here is the first miniatures – 10 men infantry squad and a anti-tank rifle squad – I planned to add NCO and one trooper to infantry squad because more is better…

There will be also couple Infantry units more at painting queue…


Today there was time to do some hobby stuff. My main goal is to build a new Bolt Action table. I build some fences (I bought these at Hamburger Tactica) and tuned these a bit. Also I build some woods & forests and some plaster castings. Also I tried to get some progress to my experimental building…

But here is a snapshot…


Then there is left the another big task – painting…

This week there wos no time for miniatures – except today. I managed to paint only one tank: M4 Sherman from Armoured Fury box. There are two more Shermans waiting but I don’t know should I paint all of them to US or should I save one or two for Soviet lend lease tanks.

But back to this… Painting was fun except I didn’t have patience to do the weathering properly. Somehow I felt hurry and I am not so satisfied to this Sherman than I am to previous M3A1 Halftruck.



I painted this M3A1 Halftrack actually at last weekend but it took a week since I managed to get time to take pictures and publish this post.

But here it is. I tried to archive the look that halftruck has been in mud, rain and at dirt roads. I also added machinegunner because without it the halftruck looked “empty”







Last weeks have been very busy, but I have managed to paint some US troops. The majority has been normal infantry, but hopefully I have time to paint that Sherman-tank also…

First US 57mm Anti-Tank Team:

Then some infantry:

US Army 60mm mortar team:

And finally some overview…

Next there will be some tanks…